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Facebook – Social Media Marketing Platform

Facebook Marketing

facebookMany companies find that by using engaging content, competitions and Facebook’s own PPC they can quickly build an audience. For E-commerce shops, it is convenient to get a large audience for new products and special offers. Facebook’s social media marketing tool is great for businesses who want to build local community awareness of services being offered. It is possible to run a business just using Facebook. In fact, there are several cases of people doing this. They are notable mainly for their success when so many of them fail  – only about  1 in 1000 succeed!





The Best Way to Run Facebook’s Social Media Marketing Platform

It should be remembered that Facebook is a social media platform. If you are planning to use it to advertise your business you must make yourself or a member of staff available to answer questions and make comments as and when necessary for most of the day. Never leave a question or complaint unanswered on any social media platform!  Not only will this upset the complainant but will also turn away people who might have become followers and customers. If you can only answer questions between 9 and 5 just say so. People might grumble but they do understand. If you say 24-hour service they expect it!!